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What's on

What's On?

Messy Church
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Coffee mornings

Meeting in the Church.
Second Wednesday of each month - 9am to 11:30am.

Enjoy a chat, cup or tea or coffee, and delicious home-made cakes in a friendly atmosphere. All donations that are received go to a different charity each month.

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Messy Church

Meeting in the Church. Last Saturday of each month - 4pm to 6pm

Messy Church is for families to have the opportunity to come together for Messy Crafts, Messy Worship and Messy Food. It is suitable for children of all ages, and it is expected that at least one adult accompanies each family.

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CAP Money course

Our first course runs from January to March 2024.
Further courses are being planned. Please contact us if you are interested.

A course delivered over 3 evening sessions. Designed to assist people to manage their money better, and where necessary to assist with problems of debt. CAP Money can provide free debt advice and a debt management service to those in need.


CAP Life Skills

Our first course runs in January and February 2024.
Further courses are being planned. Please contact us if you are interested.

The Life Skills course is designed to teach you practical ways to save money, deal with life's pressures and take control of your future. You'll be encourages to set a personal goal, with friendly one-to-one support from a trained coach to help you achieve it.

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Alpha course

Daytime Alpha starts in April 2024. Evening Alpha courses are being planned. Click the image for more details.

The Alpha Course consists of a series of talks addressing key issues relating to the Christian faith. Each session starts with a meal and is followed by a talk and time for discussion.

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Let's do Lunch

Meeting in the Dorcas Centre, Swallow Road, Larkfield.
Thursdays 11am to 1:30 pm

A weekly seniors' lunch club run in partnership with Churches Together in Malling (CTiM) and Dynamic Future Together. Come and enjoy activities and a light lunch in a friendly atmosphere. Minimum donation of £4. Call 07434 150922 to find out more.

CAP Money
Coffee mornings
Let's do lunch
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